Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mmmmm - Thanksgiving

So, Thanksgiving is only a week away, and already my mouth is watering thinking about all of the holiday favorites that will be adorning my grandma's table. Of course, one of my all time favorites is the dressing. I love my mom's dressing - it is always so moist. I have never been good at making it myself but I am considering trying a recipe I have found for Crock Pot Cornbread dressing. If it turns out good, I will share it.

I am going to be taking deviled eggs - Skylar's all-time favorite - and sweet potato casserole. I love sweet potatoes. I may also whip up a crustless pumpkin pie since that is Stephen's favorite. Oh my poor waistline. It is already expanding just thinking about all of the food.

So, what are your favorite can't have Thanksgiving without it foods? Feel free to share in the comments section.

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