Saturday, January 08, 2011

Bad Blogger

I have been a very bad excuses...and no promises to do better.

I have also been a very bad scrapbooker. I started scrapbooking around the time Stephen was born. I really like the results, but it is really time consuming and just to be honest, I don't enjoy it like I used to. I have lots of ideas until I actually sit down with a pile of pictures, and then they all seem to disappear. I have dabbled in digital scrapbooking before and liked the results, however there didn't seem to be a good way to print out the resulting pages. I have ordered them in bound books, but that requires the whole book to be finished before actually getting to see the pages, and you can't go back and add anything to it later. I have looked for a cost effective way to have the pages printed, but until recently had not found anything that I thought was worth the price.

I was recently reading some crafting blogs and found this post. It inspired me to start doing my pages with Picasa. It also lead me to Persnickety Prints where I found I can have my pages printed at a reasonable price in the sizes I want. In the last week I have created 7 a day. I have only spent a few minutes per page and I like the way they are turning out. I have not actually ordered any yet, but I am anxious to place an order and see if the actual prints turn out as well as I hope.

Here are a couple of pages I made. I plan to order pretty soon and will let everyone know how they turn out. I really hope they meet my expectations so that I can get some pictures off of the computer and into books.

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